It is a common misconception that ?Natural? meat is the same thing as ?Certified Organic?. This simply is not the case. Read the comparisons and we think you?ll agree that Certified Organic Meat is the right choice for consumers concerned about their health, animal welfare and the environment.
What are the USDA?s definitions?
Conventional?No specific definition.
Natural? No artificial ingredients. May have raising claims.
Organic? Strict production standards. Must follow USDA National Organic Standards.
Are hormones used in production?
Conventional? Yes.
Natural? Label claims vary.
Organic? No! Organic standards prohibit the use of hormones.
Are antibiotics used?
Conventional? Yes.
Natural? Label claims vary.
Organic? No! Organic standards prohibit the use of antibiotics.
Are feeds grown with chemical pesticides and fertilizers?
Conventional? Yes.
Natural? Label claims vary.
Organic? No! Feeds must be 100% organic.
What about Mad Cow Disease? Are cattle fed animal by-products?
Conventional? animal by-products may be fed to cattle.
Natural? Maybe. No animal production standards.
Organic? No! Rendered animal by-products are prohibited.
Can the feed contain genetically-modified grain?
Conventional? Yes.
Natural? Yes.
Organic? No! Organic standards prohibit GMO products.