Fortunately, Conservation Magazine took it upon itself to gather some of the brightest minds in ocean conservation and ask them what solutions they would propose to help us save the oceans. The result was 10 unique and innovative ideas.
- Eat lower on the marine food web and tap into a bountiful supply of protein
- Elevate the role of small-scale fishers in the world market
- Alter harvest strategies to account for evolutionary change
- Invest in microcredit schemes for women in poor coastal communities to curtail overfishing
- Tap into the firsthand expertise and ingenuity of fishermen and backyard inventors
- Simple modifications to fishing gear save thousands of turtles and seabirds each year
- Create new markets that reward careful fishing
- Eliminate fuel subsidies to reduce destructive bottom trawling on the high seas
- Text messaging is changing the face of marine conservation
- Move toward wholesale zoning of the oceans-rather than piecemeal protection schemes